What People Say About Us

Don’t simply take our word for, it, hear what others have to say about us and the services we provide.


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“As most audiologists know, Paul is a very decent and straightforward person. I’ve known him for over 20 years – he is super geeky about his job, and I think I am too.

Paul is a master of the retailing of hearing aid accessories (amongst other things) and has a team geared towards efficient online order handling.
If you are busy providing hearing aids to your clients it may well be inefficient to attempt to run an online shop yourself, and it may be you want to focus on what you are best at.
Paul has set up a professional shop for our 9 practices. I know he will expedite orders properly and deal with my clients exactly as I would deal with them.
It’s a business that requires a great deal of attention. I am happy to hand this job over to Paul as his team are far more specialized in this than I am.”

“Thanks so much to Paul for firstly coming up with this concept, and then generating the working product so quickly!

Paul is professional, reliable, responsive and a safe pair of hands you can trust to run this side of your business.

I feel it’s added value to my company in terms of what we offer, it would have taken me so much time I don’t have and a huge amount of money to do this myself.

Being part of the Whatsapp group has been really helpful in terms of collective knowledge.

It’s been brilliant, Paul’s drive and work ethic is infectious, nothing is too much trouble!”

“The webshop Paul created is super easy to navigate and I hope it's going to save me loads of time and effort with storing stock / mailing stuff out / creating prices for the WORLD of stuff that we have in our industry.

Paul has been very quick to take on any feedback and even improve the offerings of the shop.

Super swift and kind interactions from Paul at all times.

He was worked seamlessly with our web guys - which is a huge bonus, and has been on hand for advice, thoughts and feelings at the drop of a hat.

I’m really excited to see how this helps add to our offerings and therefore provides a competitive edge compared to the big nationals.

Paul’s buying power really helps us in ways that we wouldn’t ordinarily have had.”
Sonja Jones
Cardiff Hearing
“The web shop idea is great, especially for clients softening their ear wax before an appointment. The free next day delivery takes all the hassle away for them and they don't have to traipse around pharmacies trying to find the right product.

We are right now only including links from our website and appointment confirmations and are already seeing several sales per week.

Having run a mail order IT business in the past, I can tell you that fulfilment is a headache that you and your staff would rather not have, so I'm grateful to Paul for taking that headache away from me.

Paul won't start a project unless he's going to make a proper go of it, and that's what he's done here.

Everything has run smoothly from the get go, from the initial set up to the first orders coming in and being fulfilled without me or my staff having to lift a finger! It all runs like clockwork.”
Jason Levy
Hearing First
“It’s early days to get clients on board using the webshop but ultimately we see it as an essential addition to our service.

Paul has been spot on in changing and amending things (over and beyond I’d say).

Be interesting from a £££ point of view what return we get for our money.

Our clients either buy direct from us or Amazon or the like so to direct them to our web store keeps them in house.

The experience has been spot on. Very professional.”
Jo Herrod
The Nottingham Hearing Practice
“Paul’s web shop has added massive value to my business and it has removed the need for me to sort the shipping of accessories as this is all done for me.

There is always a good stock in so there are no worries that you have to order any accessories in or have a big stock in clinic with the warranty running out. The web shop has good detail if the customer is unsure what part they need.

Paul has been extremely easy to work with, you literally don't do any of the work! It is all done for you and works very well. Great service from start to finish and complements my website perfectly.”
Darren Glancey
Wigan Hearing
“The web shop looks really good on our website, adds a layer of professional gloss and service.

It would have been difficult and time consuming to reproduce.

Extremely easy from my end from start to finish.

The shop was up and a draft for approval sent through within 2 weeks.

Very little work needed to get it visible on our site.”
Tim Husband
Hearing Therapy Ltd
"I’d wanted to offer our clients an online webshop for some time. But there it sat on my never-ending ‘to do’ list. Then along came Paul to save the day! I didn’t have the time (and probably not enough of an inclination), resources or knowledge to create something as comprehensive as what Paul has provided.

The product offering is astounding, everything our clients could need or want (and a fair few things they didn’t know they needed until they saw them too)!

An easy, slick process with very little input from me and we are now offering a fantastic, valuable additional service to our clients that will save us a lot of time and effort…thank you Paul.

Outstanding. Friendly, reliable, responsive, thorough, professional and easy. A real pleasure."
Jess Kyei-Yamoah
The Hearing Place
“Thank you for creating this very useful shop for sundries and accessories. We have already had some sales through the webshop which is great.

The shop is easy to navigate and has very useful video clips of wax filter changes which has been well received by our clients.

We like that although the shop is designed and administered by a third party, our own business still appears well represented and at the forefront, which gives our customers confidence in their purchases.

All bases covered I believe, although it is very easy to pass on any further stock suggestions which is great. Well done!

Our experience with HAB Hearing and in particular working with Paul has been first rate.

His expertise and eye for detail is commendable, as is his willingness to take on board any suggestions to further improve the customer experience. All very positive so far!

We are delighted with the web shop and the service we have received so far has been excellent."
Steve Goodenough
The Nottingham Hearing Practice
"The webshop looks and navigates brilliantly. It will add a lot of extra value to us as a business, and the default sending patients to Amazon is no longer needed.

With everything that any patient will need is something I don’t think we would ever have had time to do ourselves. After first seeing the post by Paul, I was instantly interested.

We have looked at setting up a shop before, but due to the vast amount of products I don’t think we would ever had got this off the ground!

HAB simplified this process beyond our expectations.

In less than 2 weeks, we had our own branded shop, within our website up and running and looking great.

Paul and Dom guided us through everything, making the completion a breeze.

To us it has been a complete no brainer. The initial cost and the running cost is worth every penny, and it will save us so much time and effort! Can’t recommend enough."
Lee Rogers
Moor Hearing
“As a new independent audiology business, I was seeking a better way to support my hearing aid patients. When I came across Paul's post on an audiology forum, I knew this was the answer even before I spoke to him!

Paul's onboarding process was seamless, and he kept me updated throughout. His IT expert, Dom, worked tirelessly to get my page online. The webstore stocks everything a hearing aid wearer could ever need, and I've already received great feedback.

I also appreciate the value of the webstore being another touchpoint for my hearing aid patients - great marketing!

Seamless, friendly and fast!

Thank you again, Paul."
Daniel Thirsk
High Peak Hearing
"Another great review coming soon!"
A. N. Audiologist
Hearing Clinic

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